1. The polls may be wrong. This is an unprecedented election. No one knows how racism may affect what voters tell pollsters—or what they do in the voting booth. And the polls are narrowing anyway. In the last few days, John McCain has gained ground in most national polls, as his campaign has gone even more negative.
2. Dirty tricks. Republicans are already illegally purging voters from the rolls in some states. They're whipping up hysteria over ACORN to justify more challenges to new voters. Misleading flyers about the voting process have started appearing in black neighborhoods. And of course, many counties still use unsecure voting machines.
3. October surprise. In politics, 15 days is a long time. The next McCain smear could dominate the news for a week. There could be a crisis with Iran, or Bin Laden could release another tape, or worse.
4. Those who forget history... In 2000, Al Gore won the popular vote after trailing by seven points in the final days of the race. In 1980, Reagan was eight points down in the polls in late October and came back to win. Races can shift—fast!
5. Landslide. Even with Barack Obama in the White House, passing universal health care and a new clean-energy policy is going to be hard. Insurance, drug and oil companies will fight us every step of the way. We need the kind of landslide that will give Barack a huge mandate.
If you agree that we shouldn't rest easy, please sign up to volunteer at your local Obama office by clicking here
Monday, October 20, 2008
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Sunday, October 5, 2008
The Palins' are apPalin'
Palin's Attack On Obama's Patriotism Legitimizes Questions About The Palins'
Association With Group Founded By America-Hating Secessionist
By Greg Sargent - October 4, 2008, 4:55PM
Sarah Palin attacked Obama's patriotism today over his association with
former Weatherman Bill Ayers -- a move that makes it perfectly legitimate to
raise questions about the Palins' associations with a group founded by an
Alaska secessionist who once professed his "hatred for the American
government" and cursed our "damn flag."
In Colorado today, Palin seized on the big front-page New York Times story
about Ayers and Obama, which concludes that the two men "do not appear to
have been close," to launch her most vicious attack yet on the Illinois
Senator -- a harbinger of what's to come.
"This is not a man who sees America as you and I do -- as the greatest force
for good in the world," Palin said. "This is someone who sees America as
imperfect enough to pal around with terrorists who targeted their own
If Palin is going to say this, it is now perfectly legitimate to point out
that she repeatedly courted a secessionist group founded by someone who
openly professed hatred of the American government, cursed our flag, and
wanted to secede from the Union. Sarah's husband, Todd Palin, was a member
of this group, which continues to venerate that founder to this day, for
As you already know, the group is the Alaska Independence Party, which sees
as its ultimate goal seceding from the union. Todd was a member, with a
brief exception, from 1995 until 2002, according to the Division of
Elections in Alaska.
And though Sarah Palin herself was apparently not a member of this group,
there's no doubt that she repeatedly courted this secessionist organization
over the years. In 1994, Palin attended the group's annual convention,
according to witnesses who spoke to ABC News' Jake Tapper. The McCain
campaign has confirmed she visited the group's 2000 convention, and she
addressed its convention this year, as an incumbent governor whose oath of
office includes upholding the Constitution of the United States.
The founder of the AIP was a man named Joe Vogler. Here's what he had to say
in a 1991 interview, only a few years before Palin attended its convention:
"The fires of hell are frozen glaciers compared to my hatred for the
American government."
He also said this: "And I won't be buried under their damn flag. I'll be
buried in Dawson. And when Alaska is an independent nation they can bring my
bones home."
Vogler has also said: "I'm an Alaskan, not an American. I've got no use for
America or her damned institutions."
McCain apologists will argue that Sarah Palin was not a member of this
group. But Obama wasn't a member of any Ayers anti-American group, either.
And again, Palin repeatedly courted the AIP, and her husband was a member
for years.
The main takeaway from today's Times story is that Obama's ties to Ayers
are, if anything, less substantial than commonly alleged. So if the Ayers
association means Obama "palled around" with "terrorists," as Palin put it
today, surely Palin can be said to have "palled around" with a secessionist
party whose founder openly professed hatred of America.
If Palin is going to directly question Obama's patriotism over his
association Ayers, surely all these facts are now fair game and freshly
Association With Group Founded By America-Hating Secessionist
By Greg Sargent - October 4, 2008, 4:55PM
Sarah Palin attacked Obama's patriotism today over his association with
former Weatherman Bill Ayers -- a move that makes it perfectly legitimate to
raise questions about the Palins' associations with a group founded by an
Alaska secessionist who once professed his "hatred for the American
government" and cursed our "damn flag."
In Colorado today, Palin seized on the big front-page New York Times story
about Ayers and Obama, which concludes that the two men "do not appear to
have been close," to launch her most vicious attack yet on the Illinois
Senator -- a harbinger of what's to come.
"This is not a man who sees America as you and I do -- as the greatest force
for good in the world," Palin said. "This is someone who sees America as
imperfect enough to pal around with terrorists who targeted their own
If Palin is going to say this, it is now perfectly legitimate to point out
that she repeatedly courted a secessionist group founded by someone who
openly professed hatred of the American government, cursed our flag, and
wanted to secede from the Union. Sarah's husband, Todd Palin, was a member
of this group, which continues to venerate that founder to this day, for
As you already know, the group is the Alaska Independence Party, which sees
as its ultimate goal seceding from the union. Todd was a member, with a
brief exception, from 1995 until 2002, according to the Division of
Elections in Alaska.
And though Sarah Palin herself was apparently not a member of this group,
there's no doubt that she repeatedly courted this secessionist organization
over the years. In 1994, Palin attended the group's annual convention,
according to witnesses who spoke to ABC News' Jake Tapper. The McCain
campaign has confirmed she visited the group's 2000 convention, and she
addressed its convention this year, as an incumbent governor whose oath of
office includes upholding the Constitution of the United States.
The founder of the AIP was a man named Joe Vogler. Here's what he had to say
in a 1991 interview, only a few years before Palin attended its convention:
"The fires of hell are frozen glaciers compared to my hatred for the
American government."
He also said this: "And I won't be buried under their damn flag. I'll be
buried in Dawson. And when Alaska is an independent nation they can bring my
bones home."
Vogler has also said: "I'm an Alaskan, not an American. I've got no use for
America or her damned institutions."
McCain apologists will argue that Sarah Palin was not a member of this
group. But Obama wasn't a member of any Ayers anti-American group, either.
And again, Palin repeatedly courted the AIP, and her husband was a member
for years.
The main takeaway from today's Times story is that Obama's ties to Ayers
are, if anything, less substantial than commonly alleged. So if the Ayers
association means Obama "palled around" with "terrorists," as Palin put it
today, surely Palin can be said to have "palled around" with a secessionist
party whose founder openly professed hatred of America.
If Palin is going to directly question Obama's patriotism over his
association Ayers, surely all these facts are now fair game and freshly
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Palin Pity? No Way, No How...
The Sarah Palin pity party
Everyone seems to be oozing sympathy for the fumbling vice-presidential nominee. Please. Cry me a freaking river.
By Rebecca Traister
Sep. 30, 2008 Is this the week that Democrats and Republicans join hands -- to heap pity on poor Sarah Palin?
At the moment, all signs point to yes, as some strange bedfellows reveal that they have been feeling sorry for the vice-presidential candidate ever since she stopped speaking without the help of a teleprompter. Conservative women like Kathleen Parker and Kathryn Jean Lopez are shuddering with sympathy as they realize that the candidate who thrilled them, just weeks ago, is not in shape for the big game. They're not alone. The New Republic's Christopher Orr feels that Palin has been misused by the team that tapped her. In the New York Times, Judith Warner feels for Sarah, too! And over at the Atlantic, Ta-Nehisi Coates empathizes with intelligence and nuance, making clear that he's not expressing pity. Salon's own Glenn Greenwald watched the Katie Couric interview and "actually felt sorry for Sarah Palin." Even Amy Poehler, impersonating Katie Couric on last week's "Saturday Night Live," makes the joke that Palin's cornered-animal ineptitude makes her "increasingly adorable."
I guess I'm one cold dame, because while Palin provokes many unpleasant emotions in me, I just can't seem to summon pity, affection or remorse.
Don't get me wrong, I'm just like all of the rest of you, part of the bipartisan jumble of viewers that keeps one hand poised above the mute button and the other over my eyes during Palin's disastrous interviews. Like everyone else, I can barely take the waves of embarrassment that come with watching someone do something so badly. Roseanne Barr singing the national anthem, Sophia Coppola acting in "The Godfather: Part III," Sarah Palin talking about Russia -- they all create the same level of eyeball-squinching discomfort.
But just because I'm human, just because I can feel, just because I did say this weekend that I "almost feel sorry for her" doesn't mean, when I consider the situation rationally, that I do. Yes, as a feminist, it sucks -- hard -- to watch a woman, no matter how much I hate her politics, unable to answer questions about her running mate during a television interview. And perhaps it's because this experience pains me so much that I feel not sympathy but biting anger. At her, at John McCain, at the misogynistic political mash that has been made of what was otherwise a groundbreaking year for women in presidential politics.
In her "Poor Sarah" column, Warner writes of the wave of "self-recognition and sympathy [that] washed over" her when she saw a photo of Palin talking to Henry Kissinger. Palin -- as "a woman fully aware that she was out of her league, scared out of her wits, hanging on for dear life" -- apparently reminded Warner of herself. Wow. Putting aside the massively depressing implication that Warner recognizes this attitude because she believes it to be somehow written into the female condition, let's consider that there are any number of women who could have been John McCain's running mate -- from Olympia Snowe to Christine Todd Whitman to Kay Bailey Hutchison to Elizabeth Dole to Condoleezza Rice -- who would not have provoked this reaction. Democrats might well have been repulsed and infuriated by these women's policy positions. But we would not have been sitting around worrying about how scared they looked.
In her piece, Warner diagnoses Palin with a case of "Impostor Syndrome," positing that admirers who watched her sitting across from world leaders at the U.N. last week were recognizing that "she can't possibly do it all -- the kids, the special-needs baby, the big job, the big conversations with foreign leaders. And neither could they." Seriously? Do we have to drag out a list of women who miraculously have found a way to manage to balance many of these factors -- Hillary Clinton? Nancy Pelosi? Michelle Bachelet? -- and could still explain the Bush Doctrine without breaking into hives? This is not breaking my heart. It is breaking my spirit.
The Atlantic's Coates takes a far smarter, but ultimately still too gentle, approach to Palin in his blog. He writes, compassionately, "There are a lot of us lefties who are guffawing right now and are happy to see Palin seemingly stumbling drunkenly from occasional interview to occasional interview." Coates asserts that McCain "[tossed] her to the wolves" and notes that while she surely had some agency in this whole mess, "where I am from the elders protect you, and pull you back when you've gone too far, when your head has gotten too big."
Where I come from, a woman -- and especially a woman governor with executive experience -- doesn't have to rely on any elder or any man to protect her and pull her ass out of the fire. She can make a decision all on her own. (Palin was more than happy to tell Charlie Gibson that she made her decision to join the McCain ticket without blinking.) I agree with Coates that the McCain camp was craven, sexist and disrespectful in its choice of Palin, but I don't agree that the Alaska governor was a passive victim of their Machiavellian plotting. A very successful woman, Palin has the wherewithal to move forward consciously. What she did was move forward thoughtlessly and overconfidently, without considering that her abilities or qualifications would ever be questioned.
Christopher Orr writes sympathetically about the scenario that Palin may have envisioned, in which she tours the country on the wave of adoration that buoyed her out of St. Paul and through a post-convention victory lap. In his mind, she might well have continued to give winning, grinning interviews, charming the pants off regular folks all across the country, if the accursed McCain campaign hadn't nervously locked her in a no-press-allowed tower. Orr compares Palin to a talented athlete who, as a result of being over-coached, doesn't soar to new physical heights but instead gets "broken down, [loses] confidence in his game, [becomes] tentative, second guessing himself even to the point of paralysis."
Surely if Palin's political muscles were as taut and supple as Orr suspects, the campaign would not have been so quick to put her on a special training regimen.
It was so predictable that we would get to a pity-poor-helpless-Sarah phase. The press was already warming up for it on the day McCain announced her as his running mate, when NBC reporter Andrea Mitchell speculated that McCain's choice was designed to declaw scrappy Joe Biden, whose aggressive style would come off as bullying next to the sweet hockey mom from Alaska. Now, of course, we know about the hockey moms and the pit bulls; the more-powerful-than-expected Palin juggernaut forestalled the pity/victim/mean boy/poor Sarah phase.
So here it is, finally. And as unpleasant as it may be to watch the humiliation of a woman who waltzed into a spotlight too strong to withstand, I flat out refuse to be manipulated into another stage of gendered regress -- back to the pre-Pelosi, pre-Hillary days when girls couldn't stand the heat and so were shooed back to the kitchen.
Sarah Palin is no wilting flower. She is a politician who took the national stage and sneered at the work of community activists. She boldly tries to pass off incuriosity and lassitude as regular-people qualities, thereby doing a disservice to all those Americans who also work two jobs and do not come from families that hand out passports and backpacking trips, yet still manage to pick up a paper and read about their government and seek out experience and knowledge.
When you stage a train wreck of this magnitude -- trying to pass one underqualified chick off as another highly qualified chick with the lame hope that no one will notice -- well, then, I don't feel bad for you.
When you treat women as your toys, as gullible and insensate pawns in your Big Fat Presidential Bid -- or in Palin's case, in your Big Fat Chance to Be the First Woman Vice President Thanks to All the Cracks Hillary Put in the Ceiling -- I don't feel bad for you.
When you don't take your own career and reputation seriously enough to pause before striding onto a national stage and lying about your record of opposing a Bridge to Nowhere or using your special-needs child to garner the support of Americans in need of healthcare reform you don't support, I don't feel bad for you.
When you don't have enough regard for your country or its politics to cram effectively for the test -- a test that helps determine whether or not you get to run that country and participate in its politics -- I don't feel bad for you.
When your project is reliant on gaining the support of women whose reproductive rights you would limit, whose access to birth control and sex education you would curtail, whose healthcare options you would decrease, whose civil liberties you would take away and whose children and husbands and brothers (and sisters and daughters and friends) you would send to war in Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Russia and wherever else you saw fit without actually understanding international relations, I don't feel bad for you.
I don't want to be played by the girl-strings anymore. Shaking our heads and wringing our hands in sympathy with Sarah Palin is a disservice to every woman who has ever been unfairly dismissed based on her gender, because this is an utterly fair dismissal, based on an utter lack of ability and readiness. It's a disservice to minority populations of every stripe whose place in the political spectrum has been unfairly spotlighted as mere tokenism; it is a disservice to women throughout this country who have gone from watching a woman who -- love her or hate her -- was able to show us what female leadership could look like to squirming in front of their televisions as they watch the woman sent to replace her struggle to string a complete sentence together.
In fact, the only people I feel sorry for are Americans who invested in a hopeful, progressive vision of female leadership, but who are now stuck watching, verbatim, a "Saturday Night Live" skit.
Palin is tough as nails. She will bite the head off a moose and move on. So, no, I don't feel sorry for her. I feel sorry for women who have to live with what she and her running mate have wrought.
-- By Rebecca Traister
Copyright ©2008 Salon Media Group, Inc. Reproduction of material from any Salon pages without written permission is strictly prohibited. SALON® is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office as a trademark of Salon Media Group Inc.
The Sarah Palin pity party
Everyone seems to be oozing sympathy for the fumbling vice-presidential nominee. Please. Cry me a freaking river.
By Rebecca Traister
Sep. 30, 2008 Is this the week that Democrats and Republicans join hands -- to heap pity on poor Sarah Palin?
At the moment, all signs point to yes, as some strange bedfellows reveal that they have been feeling sorry for the vice-presidential candidate ever since she stopped speaking without the help of a teleprompter. Conservative women like Kathleen Parker and Kathryn Jean Lopez are shuddering with sympathy as they realize that the candidate who thrilled them, just weeks ago, is not in shape for the big game. They're not alone. The New Republic's Christopher Orr feels that Palin has been misused by the team that tapped her. In the New York Times, Judith Warner feels for Sarah, too! And over at the Atlantic, Ta-Nehisi Coates empathizes with intelligence and nuance, making clear that he's not expressing pity. Salon's own Glenn Greenwald watched the Katie Couric interview and "actually felt sorry for Sarah Palin." Even Amy Poehler, impersonating Katie Couric on last week's "Saturday Night Live," makes the joke that Palin's cornered-animal ineptitude makes her "increasingly adorable."
I guess I'm one cold dame, because while Palin provokes many unpleasant emotions in me, I just can't seem to summon pity, affection or remorse.
Don't get me wrong, I'm just like all of the rest of you, part of the bipartisan jumble of viewers that keeps one hand poised above the mute button and the other over my eyes during Palin's disastrous interviews. Like everyone else, I can barely take the waves of embarrassment that come with watching someone do something so badly. Roseanne Barr singing the national anthem, Sophia Coppola acting in "The Godfather: Part III," Sarah Palin talking about Russia -- they all create the same level of eyeball-squinching discomfort.
But just because I'm human, just because I can feel, just because I did say this weekend that I "almost feel sorry for her" doesn't mean, when I consider the situation rationally, that I do. Yes, as a feminist, it sucks -- hard -- to watch a woman, no matter how much I hate her politics, unable to answer questions about her running mate during a television interview. And perhaps it's because this experience pains me so much that I feel not sympathy but biting anger. At her, at John McCain, at the misogynistic political mash that has been made of what was otherwise a groundbreaking year for women in presidential politics.
In her "Poor Sarah" column, Warner writes of the wave of "self-recognition and sympathy [that] washed over" her when she saw a photo of Palin talking to Henry Kissinger. Palin -- as "a woman fully aware that she was out of her league, scared out of her wits, hanging on for dear life" -- apparently reminded Warner of herself. Wow. Putting aside the massively depressing implication that Warner recognizes this attitude because she believes it to be somehow written into the female condition, let's consider that there are any number of women who could have been John McCain's running mate -- from Olympia Snowe to Christine Todd Whitman to Kay Bailey Hutchison to Elizabeth Dole to Condoleezza Rice -- who would not have provoked this reaction. Democrats might well have been repulsed and infuriated by these women's policy positions. But we would not have been sitting around worrying about how scared they looked.
In her piece, Warner diagnoses Palin with a case of "Impostor Syndrome," positing that admirers who watched her sitting across from world leaders at the U.N. last week were recognizing that "she can't possibly do it all -- the kids, the special-needs baby, the big job, the big conversations with foreign leaders. And neither could they." Seriously? Do we have to drag out a list of women who miraculously have found a way to manage to balance many of these factors -- Hillary Clinton? Nancy Pelosi? Michelle Bachelet? -- and could still explain the Bush Doctrine without breaking into hives? This is not breaking my heart. It is breaking my spirit.
The Atlantic's Coates takes a far smarter, but ultimately still too gentle, approach to Palin in his blog. He writes, compassionately, "There are a lot of us lefties who are guffawing right now and are happy to see Palin seemingly stumbling drunkenly from occasional interview to occasional interview." Coates asserts that McCain "[tossed] her to the wolves" and notes that while she surely had some agency in this whole mess, "where I am from the elders protect you, and pull you back when you've gone too far, when your head has gotten too big."
Where I come from, a woman -- and especially a woman governor with executive experience -- doesn't have to rely on any elder or any man to protect her and pull her ass out of the fire. She can make a decision all on her own. (Palin was more than happy to tell Charlie Gibson that she made her decision to join the McCain ticket without blinking.) I agree with Coates that the McCain camp was craven, sexist and disrespectful in its choice of Palin, but I don't agree that the Alaska governor was a passive victim of their Machiavellian plotting. A very successful woman, Palin has the wherewithal to move forward consciously. What she did was move forward thoughtlessly and overconfidently, without considering that her abilities or qualifications would ever be questioned.
Christopher Orr writes sympathetically about the scenario that Palin may have envisioned, in which she tours the country on the wave of adoration that buoyed her out of St. Paul and through a post-convention victory lap. In his mind, she might well have continued to give winning, grinning interviews, charming the pants off regular folks all across the country, if the accursed McCain campaign hadn't nervously locked her in a no-press-allowed tower. Orr compares Palin to a talented athlete who, as a result of being over-coached, doesn't soar to new physical heights but instead gets "broken down, [loses] confidence in his game, [becomes] tentative, second guessing himself even to the point of paralysis."
Surely if Palin's political muscles were as taut and supple as Orr suspects, the campaign would not have been so quick to put her on a special training regimen.
It was so predictable that we would get to a pity-poor-helpless-Sarah phase. The press was already warming up for it on the day McCain announced her as his running mate, when NBC reporter Andrea Mitchell speculated that McCain's choice was designed to declaw scrappy Joe Biden, whose aggressive style would come off as bullying next to the sweet hockey mom from Alaska. Now, of course, we know about the hockey moms and the pit bulls; the more-powerful-than-expected Palin juggernaut forestalled the pity/victim/mean boy/poor Sarah phase.
So here it is, finally. And as unpleasant as it may be to watch the humiliation of a woman who waltzed into a spotlight too strong to withstand, I flat out refuse to be manipulated into another stage of gendered regress -- back to the pre-Pelosi, pre-Hillary days when girls couldn't stand the heat and so were shooed back to the kitchen.
Sarah Palin is no wilting flower. She is a politician who took the national stage and sneered at the work of community activists. She boldly tries to pass off incuriosity and lassitude as regular-people qualities, thereby doing a disservice to all those Americans who also work two jobs and do not come from families that hand out passports and backpacking trips, yet still manage to pick up a paper and read about their government and seek out experience and knowledge.
When you stage a train wreck of this magnitude -- trying to pass one underqualified chick off as another highly qualified chick with the lame hope that no one will notice -- well, then, I don't feel bad for you.
When you treat women as your toys, as gullible and insensate pawns in your Big Fat Presidential Bid -- or in Palin's case, in your Big Fat Chance to Be the First Woman Vice President Thanks to All the Cracks Hillary Put in the Ceiling -- I don't feel bad for you.
When you don't take your own career and reputation seriously enough to pause before striding onto a national stage and lying about your record of opposing a Bridge to Nowhere or using your special-needs child to garner the support of Americans in need of healthcare reform you don't support, I don't feel bad for you.
When you don't have enough regard for your country or its politics to cram effectively for the test -- a test that helps determine whether or not you get to run that country and participate in its politics -- I don't feel bad for you.
When your project is reliant on gaining the support of women whose reproductive rights you would limit, whose access to birth control and sex education you would curtail, whose healthcare options you would decrease, whose civil liberties you would take away and whose children and husbands and brothers (and sisters and daughters and friends) you would send to war in Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Russia and wherever else you saw fit without actually understanding international relations, I don't feel bad for you.
I don't want to be played by the girl-strings anymore. Shaking our heads and wringing our hands in sympathy with Sarah Palin is a disservice to every woman who has ever been unfairly dismissed based on her gender, because this is an utterly fair dismissal, based on an utter lack of ability and readiness. It's a disservice to minority populations of every stripe whose place in the political spectrum has been unfairly spotlighted as mere tokenism; it is a disservice to women throughout this country who have gone from watching a woman who -- love her or hate her -- was able to show us what female leadership could look like to squirming in front of their televisions as they watch the woman sent to replace her struggle to string a complete sentence together.
In fact, the only people I feel sorry for are Americans who invested in a hopeful, progressive vision of female leadership, but who are now stuck watching, verbatim, a "Saturday Night Live" skit.
Palin is tough as nails. She will bite the head off a moose and move on. So, no, I don't feel sorry for her. I feel sorry for women who have to live with what she and her running mate have wrought.
-- By Rebecca Traister
Copyright ©2008 Salon Media Group, Inc. Reproduction of material from any Salon pages without written permission is strictly prohibited. SALON® is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office as a trademark of Salon Media Group Inc.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Why Obama is better prepared to fix the Ecomony
This is part of a post on CNN's iReport.com by the Warden:
Why are we so stupid? Really why are we? Let's start from just a few years ago. When Reagan was in office, he began a campaign of American toughness, a campaign that would restore American's influence and power around the globe, and a campaign that would reignite teh flames of nationality. This campaign worked and he won a place in American history. Sadly, an unemployed, ex B-movie actor was the best choice we had back in 1980, and so he rightfully won the contest. He began an economic policy called "trickle down" economics. At the time, supporters of this President hailed this new economic policy as the "wave of the future" for economic theory. Of course not a single economic theorist at any leaning institution -- like Harvard, Stanford, Texas, Michigan, Brown etc.. -- agreed with this theory and publically denounced it, the followers of this President wet along blindly simply because they had no real idea about how economics work. They took the word of those who told them how they should think it should work. Since 95% plus of the American people know as much about economic theory as they do about walking the surface of the moon they bought this rhetoric like is was said by God himself. Clearly, every economist with any credentials whatsoever have all laughed at the results of this "vodoo" economic theory 30 years after it's "Bozo The Clown" like introduction. The people in this historic administration knew that the average person of this country had no practical experience to know better and know how absurd he theory was altogether. Reagan left office with the economy in about the same condition he found it, except with a great deal more national budget and trade debt, historically high in fact. The stock market value of the country after his 2 terms was also slightly less than when he entered office. In the next 4 years, Bush 1 also followed similar economic theories with very similar result, except this time, the Reagan/Bush deregualtion of the Savings and Loans institutions left this country with a trillion dollar bill to the taxpayers. Way to go George, "no new taxes" meant only the ones we didn't have to pay anyways to cover the horrible S and L debacle. In the end, the average taxpayer paid the largest tax load increase in American hisory to cover these deregulation mistakes. When Bush 1 left office the economy once again was left in a worse condition than it was found with a far larger deficit than it was when Reagan left. Now, the right would have people wrongfully believe that it had nothing to do with Republican's and they attempt to blame whatever Congress was in charge at the time. Even though the President can veto any legislation that the Congress drafts complely controlling spending, they none the less are still are blamed by Republican's and thier respective President's. In others words the President has more than enough power to control Congressional spending, to say otherwise is pure ignorance or rhetoric, there is no other definition that could be placed on such statements. Good way to distract the populace to say the least. "I'm never going to take any responsibility for anything" seemed to be the political theories of the day. A theory that seems to extend to today's politics as well. Bill Clinton won a surprising victory. The stock market value of this country when he came into office was just above 3,000, a figure that had lingered since the Reagan years. In more than 200 years, the stock market value of the country had reached just over 3,000. I the 8 years that Clinton served, that market valuewent from just over 3,000 to just under 14,000 when he left. A trillion dollar deficite left by Reagan and Bush was changed into a trillion dollar surplus. What the country took 200 years plus to accomplish, Clinton tripled in just 8 years, the most remarkable economic turnaround in all of economic history tracing all the way back to the Roman times. The tax burden on the middle class was reduced and the theory that higher taxes leveled by Clinton on big business would destory business incentives never materialized. In fact, the exact opposite happened. In the following 8 years, Bush 2 managed to refund nearly the entire tax surplus of a trillion dollars back to corporations while trickling a few dollars to the actual people of this country, the families, the children etc. IN fact, Bush's massive tax refund when he first took office focused almost 88% of the money back to corporations with the average family spliting the remaining 12% amoung all the families in the nation. Bush 2's "under the breath and table" policy of relaxing the loan criteria for home loans by telling government regulators not to interfer is another repeat of Bush 1's S and L destruction. Our 3rd Republican President in the last 25 years has now gotten us into the biggest budget deficite in all of recorded human history with our trade and tax deficite also reaching record levels. Th Republican's are doing thier best to paint all of this as the result of when Congress was controlled by Democrats It doens't matter that all of these things happened on the watch of a Republican President, because it's too convient to take the denial route and blame someone else for the problems they created. The ultimate denial persona. I'm sure we all know these types of people. They will do anything and everything in thier power to blame someone else for the things they themselves have done. Alcoholics, Drug Users and people who use others for thier own selfish and personal gain are the ones who normaly have this type of behavior, but it reaches far into our political proccess as well. The President has the power to veto all spending legislation. Clinton once shut down Congress because he wouldn't let the Republican controlled Congress spend outside of thier means. They tried to impeach him for that if you remember, drapping it under the cloak of being some sort of ethics violation. They simply hated him for making corporation pay taxes, and that angered those representatives that were paid by the lobbist would represnt these same companies. That's the real turth, the rest is a smokescreen. They used the excuse of an affair and tried to tie it into things that didn't exist. Now, Democrats do the same thing from time to time, but this was really stretching it.
Why are we so stupid? Really why are we? Let's start from just a few years ago. When Reagan was in office, he began a campaign of American toughness, a campaign that would restore American's influence and power around the globe, and a campaign that would reignite teh flames of nationality. This campaign worked and he won a place in American history. Sadly, an unemployed, ex B-movie actor was the best choice we had back in 1980, and so he rightfully won the contest. He began an economic policy called "trickle down" economics. At the time, supporters of this President hailed this new economic policy as the "wave of the future" for economic theory. Of course not a single economic theorist at any leaning institution -- like Harvard, Stanford, Texas, Michigan, Brown etc.. -- agreed with this theory and publically denounced it, the followers of this President wet along blindly simply because they had no real idea about how economics work. They took the word of those who told them how they should think it should work. Since 95% plus of the American people know as much about economic theory as they do about walking the surface of the moon they bought this rhetoric like is was said by God himself. Clearly, every economist with any credentials whatsoever have all laughed at the results of this "vodoo" economic theory 30 years after it's "Bozo The Clown" like introduction. The people in this historic administration knew that the average person of this country had no practical experience to know better and know how absurd he theory was altogether. Reagan left office with the economy in about the same condition he found it, except with a great deal more national budget and trade debt, historically high in fact. The stock market value of the country after his 2 terms was also slightly less than when he entered office. In the next 4 years, Bush 1 also followed similar economic theories with very similar result, except this time, the Reagan/Bush deregualtion of the Savings and Loans institutions left this country with a trillion dollar bill to the taxpayers. Way to go George, "no new taxes" meant only the ones we didn't have to pay anyways to cover the horrible S and L debacle. In the end, the average taxpayer paid the largest tax load increase in American hisory to cover these deregulation mistakes. When Bush 1 left office the economy once again was left in a worse condition than it was found with a far larger deficit than it was when Reagan left. Now, the right would have people wrongfully believe that it had nothing to do with Republican's and they attempt to blame whatever Congress was in charge at the time. Even though the President can veto any legislation that the Congress drafts complely controlling spending, they none the less are still are blamed by Republican's and thier respective President's. In others words the President has more than enough power to control Congressional spending, to say otherwise is pure ignorance or rhetoric, there is no other definition that could be placed on such statements. Good way to distract the populace to say the least. "I'm never going to take any responsibility for anything" seemed to be the political theories of the day. A theory that seems to extend to today's politics as well. Bill Clinton won a surprising victory. The stock market value of this country when he came into office was just above 3,000, a figure that had lingered since the Reagan years. In more than 200 years, the stock market value of the country had reached just over 3,000. I the 8 years that Clinton served, that market valuewent from just over 3,000 to just under 14,000 when he left. A trillion dollar deficite left by Reagan and Bush was changed into a trillion dollar surplus. What the country took 200 years plus to accomplish, Clinton tripled in just 8 years, the most remarkable economic turnaround in all of economic history tracing all the way back to the Roman times. The tax burden on the middle class was reduced and the theory that higher taxes leveled by Clinton on big business would destory business incentives never materialized. In fact, the exact opposite happened. In the following 8 years, Bush 2 managed to refund nearly the entire tax surplus of a trillion dollars back to corporations while trickling a few dollars to the actual people of this country, the families, the children etc. IN fact, Bush's massive tax refund when he first took office focused almost 88% of the money back to corporations with the average family spliting the remaining 12% amoung all the families in the nation. Bush 2's "under the breath and table" policy of relaxing the loan criteria for home loans by telling government regulators not to interfer is another repeat of Bush 1's S and L destruction. Our 3rd Republican President in the last 25 years has now gotten us into the biggest budget deficite in all of recorded human history with our trade and tax deficite also reaching record levels. Th Republican's are doing thier best to paint all of this as the result of when Congress was controlled by Democrats It doens't matter that all of these things happened on the watch of a Republican President, because it's too convient to take the denial route and blame someone else for the problems they created. The ultimate denial persona. I'm sure we all know these types of people. They will do anything and everything in thier power to blame someone else for the things they themselves have done. Alcoholics, Drug Users and people who use others for thier own selfish and personal gain are the ones who normaly have this type of behavior, but it reaches far into our political proccess as well. The President has the power to veto all spending legislation. Clinton once shut down Congress because he wouldn't let the Republican controlled Congress spend outside of thier means. They tried to impeach him for that if you remember, drapping it under the cloak of being some sort of ethics violation. They simply hated him for making corporation pay taxes, and that angered those representatives that were paid by the lobbist would represnt these same companies. That's the real turth, the rest is a smokescreen. They used the excuse of an affair and tried to tie it into things that didn't exist. Now, Democrats do the same thing from time to time, but this was really stretching it.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
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