Thursday, September 18, 2008

Why Obama is better prepared to fix the Ecomony

This is part of a post on CNN's by the Warden:
Why are we so stupid? Really why are we? Let's start from just a few years ago. When Reagan was in office, he began a campaign of American toughness, a campaign that would restore American's influence and power around the globe, and a campaign that would reignite teh flames of nationality. This campaign worked and he won a place in American history. Sadly, an unemployed, ex B-movie actor was the best choice we had back in 1980, and so he rightfully won the contest. He began an economic policy called "trickle down" economics. At the time, supporters of this President hailed this new economic policy as the "wave of the future" for economic theory. Of course not a single economic theorist at any leaning institution -- like Harvard, Stanford, Texas, Michigan, Brown etc.. -- agreed with this theory and publically denounced it, the followers of this President wet along blindly simply because they had no real idea about how economics work. They took the word of those who told them how they should think it should work. Since 95% plus of the American people know as much about economic theory as they do about walking the surface of the moon they bought this rhetoric like is was said by God himself. Clearly, every economist with any credentials whatsoever have all laughed at the results of this "vodoo" economic theory 30 years after it's "Bozo The Clown" like introduction. The people in this historic administration knew that the average person of this country had no practical experience to know better and know how absurd he theory was altogether. Reagan left office with the economy in about the same condition he found it, except with a great deal more national budget and trade debt, historically high in fact. The stock market value of the country after his 2 terms was also slightly less than when he entered office. In the next 4 years, Bush 1 also followed similar economic theories with very similar result, except this time, the Reagan/Bush deregualtion of the Savings and Loans institutions left this country with a trillion dollar bill to the taxpayers. Way to go George, "no new taxes" meant only the ones we didn't have to pay anyways to cover the horrible S and L debacle. In the end, the average taxpayer paid the largest tax load increase in American hisory to cover these deregulation mistakes. When Bush 1 left office the economy once again was left in a worse condition than it was found with a far larger deficit than it was when Reagan left. Now, the right would have people wrongfully believe that it had nothing to do with Republican's and they attempt to blame whatever Congress was in charge at the time. Even though the President can veto any legislation that the Congress drafts complely controlling spending, they none the less are still are blamed by Republican's and thier respective President's. In others words the President has more than enough power to control Congressional spending, to say otherwise is pure ignorance or rhetoric, there is no other definition that could be placed on such statements. Good way to distract the populace to say the least. "I'm never going to take any responsibility for anything" seemed to be the political theories of the day. A theory that seems to extend to today's politics as well. Bill Clinton won a surprising victory. The stock market value of this country when he came into office was just above 3,000, a figure that had lingered since the Reagan years. In more than 200 years, the stock market value of the country had reached just over 3,000. I the 8 years that Clinton served, that market valuewent from just over 3,000 to just under 14,000 when he left. A trillion dollar deficite left by Reagan and Bush was changed into a trillion dollar surplus. What the country took 200 years plus to accomplish, Clinton tripled in just 8 years, the most remarkable economic turnaround in all of economic history tracing all the way back to the Roman times. The tax burden on the middle class was reduced and the theory that higher taxes leveled by Clinton on big business would destory business incentives never materialized. In fact, the exact opposite happened. In the following 8 years, Bush 2 managed to refund nearly the entire tax surplus of a trillion dollars back to corporations while trickling a few dollars to the actual people of this country, the families, the children etc. IN fact, Bush's massive tax refund when he first took office focused almost 88% of the money back to corporations with the average family spliting the remaining 12% amoung all the families in the nation. Bush 2's "under the breath and table" policy of relaxing the loan criteria for home loans by telling government regulators not to interfer is another repeat of Bush 1's S and L destruction. Our 3rd Republican President in the last 25 years has now gotten us into the biggest budget deficite in all of recorded human history with our trade and tax deficite also reaching record levels. Th Republican's are doing thier best to paint all of this as the result of when Congress was controlled by Democrats It doens't matter that all of these things happened on the watch of a Republican President, because it's too convient to take the denial route and blame someone else for the problems they created. The ultimate denial persona. I'm sure we all know these types of people. They will do anything and everything in thier power to blame someone else for the things they themselves have done. Alcoholics, Drug Users and people who use others for thier own selfish and personal gain are the ones who normaly have this type of behavior, but it reaches far into our political proccess as well. The President has the power to veto all spending legislation. Clinton once shut down Congress because he wouldn't let the Republican controlled Congress spend outside of thier means. They tried to impeach him for that if you remember, drapping it under the cloak of being some sort of ethics violation. They simply hated him for making corporation pay taxes, and that angered those representatives that were paid by the lobbist would represnt these same companies. That's the real turth, the rest is a smokescreen. They used the excuse of an affair and tried to tie it into things that didn't exist. Now, Democrats do the same thing from time to time, but this was really stretching it.

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